Shop Assistant: Good morning, can I ____ you?Customer: Good morning, I would like to buy some ____, please? Shop Assistant: Certainly madam, how ____ do you wear sunglasses? Customer: I always ____ them in the summer and sometimes in the winter. Shop Assistant: What sort of ____ do you like? Customer: I like large frames. Shop assistant: ____ these? Customer: I like those, but I ____ like brown frames, do you have black frames? Shop assistant: Yes, how about ____? Customer: Oh yes, I like these, do they ____ me? Shop assistant: Absolutely, they look really ____ on you. Customer: Okay, I'll take them.  How ____ are they? Shop assistant: Ninety-five Euros. Customer: Super, can I ____ by card? Shop assistant: Yes, of course. ____ are your sunglasses and card. Thank you Customer: Thank you. Shop assistant: ____. Thank you and have a nice day. Customer: Goodbye. Thank ____

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