Cornea - A thick, curved, transparent covering of the eye. It increases the amount of light entering the pupil., Iris - A coloured, circular muscle. It controls the amount of light entering the eye by opening or closing the pupil., Lens - A curved, transparent structure inside the eye that focuses the light onto the retina., Optic Nerve - A thick, white tube which connects the eye to the brain. It transfers electrical signals to the brain from the retina, Retina - A layer of cells that coats the inside of the eye. It converts light into electrical signals., blind spot - A part of the retina where the optic nerve is connected. There is no retina layer here., Sclera - The tough, fibrous, white outer layer of the eyeball. It provides the shape of the Eye which helps with focusing light onto the retina, Aqueous Humour - Black coloured, jelly like filling. It prevents glare inside the eyeball and helps maintain the correct shape.,

Y9 tangata Parts of the Eye and functions



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