1) Why did Ethan need a monster under his bed? a) He could not get to sleep without it. b) He needed the monster to sing to him. c) Monsters were only for boys. 2) Where did Gabe go? a) camping b) fishing c) flying 3) What is this story about? a) a boy who needs his monster b) a boy who wanted his mom c) mean monsters who scare boys 4) How many monsters came to visit Ethan? a) five b) four c) three 5) Who is telling this story? a) Gabe b) the boy's mom c) Ethan 6) Why did Gabe come back from his trip early? a) He missed Ethan b) The fish got scared too easily c) It was morning. 7) How did Ethan feel about the green ooze? a) He thought it was gross. b) It reminded him of Gabe. c) It was perfect! 8) What did Gabe tell Ethan he was going to do at the end of the story? a) Take Ethan fishing. b) Nibble on Ethan's pinkie. c) Climb into Ethan's bed 9) What did Ethan notice about Cynthia? a) She was pink. b) She had a bow . c) She was too scary. 10) What was the problem in this story? a) Ethan couldn't sleep because there were too many monsters. b) Gabe was lost. c) Ethan needed his monster Gabe so he could fall asleep.


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