1) Lorenzo is the ............... (tall) in my class. a) taller b) tallest c) tall 2) Who is the ................ (famous) footballer in the world? a) most famous b) more famous c) famousest 3) Gabriele is ............ (good) than Desy at playing volleyball. a) most good b) most best c) better 4) Dybala is .............. (nice) than Higuain. a) nicest b) more nicest c) nicer  5) History is ............ (interesting) than Italian. a) more interesting b) interestinger c) most interesting 6) Chiara is ............. (intelligent) than her brother. a) most intelligent b) more intelligent c) intelligenter 7) Rome is the .............. (big) city in Italy. a) bigger b) most biggest c) biggest 8) Your classroom is ............... (small) than mine. a) smallest b) more small c) smaller 9) The river Po is ...................(long) river in Italy. a) the longest b) the longer c) longer than 10) My home is ............... (far) from school than yours. a) furthest b) the further c) further 11) I am ............. (bad) at Maths than my sister. a) Worse b) better c) badder 12) Her bedroom is ...................... (big) room in my house. a) the bigger b) the biggest c) biggest 13) Australia is ..................... (small) continent in the world. a) the smallest b) smallest c) Smaller 14) Mount Everest is ......................(high) mountain on Earth. a) highest than b) the most high c) the highest 15) The Death Valley is ...................... (low) point on Earth. a) the lower b) the lowest c) the most lowest 16) Cheetah is ........................(fast) animal on Earth. a) the fastest b) the furthest c) the most fast 17) Chinese is ........................ (difficult) than Spanish. a) more difficult b) difficulter c) most difficult 18) Nick is ........................ (good) dog of all. a) better b) the best c) the gooddest

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