1) whats a sporophyte a) makes spores b) two kinds of sex cells 2) whats a gametophyte a) two kinds of sex cells b) makes spores 3) what are annuals a) cucomber wheat marigolds b) apple corn 4) what are biennils a) parsley celery b) carrots corn 5) what are perennials a) have flowers b) doesnt have flower c) lives more than 2 years 6) bonus: who's the best Mr ever a) mr ayman b) mr ahmad c) mr hossam 7) hey you student this is hard but answer what you can a) ok b) no 8) what germination a) when the embyro dies b) when the embyro grows 9) whats the use of stomata a) stometa closes when alot of water left b) stomata is fun only 10) annual rings a) there is dark and light which present one year b) there is orange and blue which present one year 11) cambium a) kills the phloem and xylem b) makes a new phleom and xylem 12) gymnosperms a) plants the pruduce naked seeds b) or covered seeds 13) what is pollen used to a) reproduction b) food 14) fronds are a) ferns leaves b) liverwart leaves 15) whats a cuticle a) waxy layer b) makes food 16) vacule a) large sac b) makes food 17) chloroplasts a) makes food b) large sac 18) photosynthisis use a) oxygen and water b) c02 and sun's energy



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