1) This triangle has a base of 5 m and a height of 6 m.  What is the area of the triangle , m2 ? a) 8.5 b) 15 c) 17 d) 30 2) What is the area of the parallelogram? a) 40 b) 30 c) 26 d) 20 3) What is the area of the trapezium? a) 20 b) 22 c) 30 d) 44 4) What is the area of triangle ABC? a) 8 b) 8.24 c) 10 d) 10.3 5) Calculate the perimeter of this parallelogram: a) 42 b) 52 c) 58 d) 76 6) Calculate the area of this parallelogram: a) 76.5 m2 b) 153 m2 c) 163 m2 d) 204 m2 7) Given the area is 528 unit 2. Calculate the height (h) of the parallelogram. a) 16 b) 22 c) 24 d) 26 8) ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid (isosceles trapezium). What is the size of angle A? a) 59 o b) 91 o c) 111 o d) 121 o 9) Calculate the area of this rhombus: a) 36 b) 64 c) 72 d) 81 10) Find the area of shaded region in cm 2 . a) 15 b) 20 c) 25 d) 30

Perimeter and Area Form 1.


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