1) What's the time? a) It's four o'clock. b) It's five o'clock. c) It's three o'clock. 2) What's the time? a) It's eight o'clock. b) It's nine o'clock. c) It's twelve o'clock. 3) What's the time? a) It's one o'clock. b) It's twelve o'clock. c) It's six o'clock. 4) What's the time? a) It's half past six. b) It's twelve o'clock. c) It's six o'clock. 5) What's the time? a) It's seven o'clock. b) It's five o'clock. c) It's twelve o'clock. 6) What's the time? a) It's twelve o'clock. b) It's ten o'clock. c) It's eleven o'clock. 7) What's the time? a) It's five o'clock. b) It's two o'clock. c) It's half past ten. 8) What's the time? a) It's eight o'clock. b) It's two o'clock. c) It's ten o'clock.


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