plausible - If something that someone says or writes is ___, it could be true, expand - to increase in size or amount, or to make something increase, contract - to become smaller or shorter, or to make something do this, obstacle - something that makes it difficult for you to go somewhere or to succeed at something, speculative - based on a guess and not on information, cloak - to cover or hide something, far-fetched - very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe, partial - not complete, achievable - possible to succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard, camouflage - a way of making something difficult to see by having a colour or pattern that is similar to the area around it, shoelace - a long, thin piece of material used to fasten shoes, emerge - to appear from somewhere or come out of somewhere, boost - to increase or improve something, acquisition - the process of learning or getting something, surgically - relating to medical operations (adverb), implausible - difficult to believe or imagine,



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