What is Earth's three layers?, Center layer of Earth, mass/volume is what?, The surface layer of the Earth, What has 85% of the Earth's mass, Contains liquid, nickel and iron, Centermost part of the Earth, Which rock CAN contain Fossils , Which rock can NOT contain Fossils, Evidence of past life on Earth, What is the science that studies fossils of animals and plants?, Which layer rock layer is the YOUNGEST, Which layer rock layer is the OLDEST, What is an educated guess/ a Scientific guess called?, Slowly moving pieces of Earth's crust is called?, What is caused by warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking?, Tectonic plates moving away from each other called, Tectonic plates sliding past each other, Super continent, 3rd planet from the sun, 5th planet from the sun, What is the name of our Galaxy, Name of all of space, How long does Earth take to orbit the sun, Last planet from the Sun, Hottest planet, Largest planet, the sun and all 8 planets make up the ???.

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