My name ____ Lizzie I am ____ England I am ____ teacher and I am married. I am ____ Kurdish. I am British. I'm 46 years ____ and my name ____ Sam. I ____ from Syria and my name is Yassin. ____ 55 years old. I am a student ____ I am married. I'm a student. I'm ____ English. I'm from ____. I'm single and my ____ is Rebin. I'm not married. I'm single. I am a ____ at Nottingham College. ____ name is Fawzia and I am ____ Pakistan. I'm British. I'm a teacher. I'm not ____ student. My name ____ Jane ____ I am married. I'm British and I am 50 years ____. I am from ____ and I am British. I'm married. I'm 35 years old and ____ a student at Nottingham College. My ____ is Haiat.

Simple Personal Sentences with words missing


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