Я жалею, что это случилось: I wish I hadn't been so stupid., I wish I hadn't said yes., I wish I hadn't called you drunk last night., I wish I hadn't screwed up., I wish she hadn't showed up at my party., I wish they hadn't moved in next door., I wish she hadn't yelled at me., I wish they hadn't been so aggressive to me., You wish I hadn't answer that phone call., I wish I hadn't told everyone I won., Жаль, что этого НЕ случилось: I wish I had had a map., I wish I had found it sooner., I wish you had called me., I wish I had said that., I wish that stupid train had left without me., I wish I had had more friends as a child., I wish we had moved to France when we had a chance., I wish he had helped me., I wish I had said yes., I wish they had been more friendly to me.,

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