1) Find the noun (naming word) a) little b) cat c) funny 2) Find the verb (doing word) a) fluffy b) dog c) go 3) Find the adjective (describing word) a) me b) him c) little 4) Find the noun (naming word) a) soft b) Mary c) sixteen 5) Find the verb (doing word) a) who b) what c) laughed 6) Which one is NOT an adjective? a) feet b) funny c) beautiful d) a 7) Which one is NOT a noun? a) school b) green c) pencil 8) Which one is NOT a verb? a) green b) is c) helping 9) Which one is NOT an adjective? a) crazy b) school c) hairy 10) Find the verb (doing word). a) looked b) card c) toilet


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