Dear ____/ Madam,I am ____ about your editorial from last Thursday’s ____. I ____ with what you say in this ____. In my ____, teenagers have a ____ type of intelligence. IQ ____ are ____ good tests for this generation. We ____ a lot of ____ finding out how to use new ____ and some of the games we play train our ____. ____, I think we are ____ more ____ than teenagers in the past. We just think in a different ____ and we don’t just ____ things, we have our own ____. These are much ____ difficult to measure in ____ tests. Computers are ____ a bad thing - they have ____ the world for the ____. I ____ very ____ about this ____. I am very interested in ____ other ____’ opinions. Yours ____, ____ Buster

A formal letter of opinion


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