You are in a restaurant in Madrid. You can’t understand the menu. - I wish I had learned Spanish., You want to learn Spanish but the college only offers evening classes in French. - I wish I could learn Spanish., Your son is taking French at school. You think Spanish is more useful. - I wish you would learn Spanish., You hate your job and keep on applying for different jobs – with no success. - I wish I could get a better job., You are about to retire – but your pension is not very big. - I wish I had had a better job, Your girlfriend moans about her job – but she doesn’t do anything about applying for another one. - I wish you would get a better job., A few years ago your boyfriend asked you to marry him – but you refused. Now you regret it! - I wish I had married him., You have a crush on Robert De Niro. - I wish I could marry him., Your daughter has a really lovely boyfriend. - I wish you would marry him., You are very tired this morning. - I wish I had gone to bed earlier., You have a lot of work to do in the evenings so always get to bed late. - I wish I could go to bed earlier, Your flatmate stays up late playing loud music after you have gone to bed. - I wish you would go to bed earlier.,


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