1) The family's surname is a) Jackson b) Manson c) Clarkson 2) Jackie is a) a teenager b) tall, fat and 30 years-old woman c) young and beautiful 3) The family is poor. a) True b) False 4) The house is a) big with a beautiful garden b) small with a big garden c) modern with no garden 5) Diane called his mother to a) say hello b) ask for money c) wish a happy birthday 6) Diane always asks her mother for a) money b) clothes c) gifts 7) Diane lives in a) London b) New York c) Paris 8) Diane is a a) actress b) singer c) teacher 9) Molly is a) the servant b) a rich woman c) a close neighbour 10) Molly is a) sick b) healthy c) dying  11) Peter Hobbs is Jackie's younger son. a) True b) False 12) Albert is Molly's a) brother b) husband c) brother-in-law


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