1) совершить открытие a) make a discovery b) theory of relativity c) even numbers d) measure 2) математический символ a) vast / enormous amount  b) robotics c) mathematical symbol d) technological development 3) математик a) sharp rise in (the number of) b) mathematician c) volume d) odd numbers 4) мера (единица измерения) a) measure b) scholar c) make a discovery d) technological development 5) нечетные числа a) volume b) scholar c) odd numbers d) sharp fall in (the number of) 6) четные числа a) even numbers b) sharp fall in (the number of) c) odd numbers d) make a discovery 7) робототехника, роботизация a) mathematician b) robotics c) theory of relativity d) mathematical symbol 8) ученый a) sharp fall in (the number of) b) scholar c) odd numbers d) volume 9) резкое падение (числа) a) sharp fall in (the number of) b) vast / enormous amount  c) mathematician d) measure 10) резкий скачок (числа) a) mathematical symbol b) robotics c) scholar d) sharp rise in (the number of) 11) технологическое развитие a) even numbers b) make a discovery c) technological development d) measure 12) теория относительности a) robotics b) theory of relativity c) sharp fall in (the number of) d) make a discovery 13) огромное количество (с неисчсл. сущ.) a) vast / enormous amount  b) robotics c) technological development d) mathematician 14) объем a) scholar b) vast / enormous amount  c) volume d) mathematical symbol

Focus 4 Science and statistics - 2 Quiz


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