天气好的时候 - Tiānqì hǎo de shí When the weather is good, 天气不好的时候 - tiānqì bù hǎo de shíhòu when the weather is bad, 我今天要 - wǒ jīntiān yào Today I‘m going , 我明天要 - wǒ míngtiān yào Tomorrow I‘m going, 我后天要 - wǒ hòu tiān yào The day after tomorrow I‘m going, 我每个星期都 - wǒ měi gè xīngqí dōu Every week I, 我每天都 - wǒ měitiān dōu Everyday I, 我常常 - wǒ chángcháng I often, 我有时候 - wǒ yǒu shíhòu I sometimes, 我很少 - wǒ hěn shǎo I rarely, 跟...一起... - gēn... Yīqǐ together with, 阿姨 - āyí auntie, 叔叔 - shūshu uncle, 爷爷 - yéyé grandpa, 奶奶 - nǎinai gran, 朋友 - péngyǒu friend(s),

Unit 14 time phrase together with



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