1) Tonya didn't ... a film last night. a) watch b) watched c) watches 2) Vicky ... his grandpa every weekend. a) visit b) visits c) visited 3) They ... in Thailand last year. a) live b) lived c) lives 4) I didn't ... TV last night. a) watch b) watched c) watches 5) His grandma ... bread every day. a) bake b) baked c) bakes 6) Did Jack ... to music last night? a) listen b) listened c) listens 7) Masha always ... pictures. a) paint b) paints c) were 8) Maya ... watch TV on every Monday. a) doesn't b) didn't 9) Olya ... often play basketball. a) doesn't b) didn't 10) Lily ... cook lunch yesterday. a) doesn't b) didn't

FF4 - Review - Present Simple and Past Simple


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