Around 3 months - Infants begin to make babbling noises as they learn to control muscles associated with speech, Around 12 months - Infants begin to imitate sounds made by carers such as ‘da da’ which develops in to using single words., Around 2 years - Infants make 2 worded sentences e.g., dad work (dad has gone to work) and their vocabulary increases, Around 3 years - Children can make simple sentences e.g. I want drink. This develops into ability to ask questions e.g., when we go? Vocabulary grows rapidly., Around 4 years - Children begin to use clear sentences that can be understood by strangers. Children will still make mistakes with grammar, e.g., we saw lots of peoples at the shop today., Around 5 years - Children can speak using full adult grammar and most can be expected to use language effectively. Vocabulary continues to increase, and grammar continues to improve.,

Early language development


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