Tennis is more fun than football., Children should go to bed at 8 o'clock., Pizza is bad for you., Summer holidays should just be four weeks., There should be no cars in cities., We need more homework., We should only go to school two days a week., It's important to wear new and modern clothes., We should not eat meat., Men and women can do the same job., You should not sit by the computer for more than one hour a day., School lunch is fantastic., We should wear school uniforms., You need to work hard in school to get a good job., Rich countries should help poor countries., Cats are better than dogs., Animals smell bad., It's good to listen to music when you do your homework., I love to read books., It's important to wear a helmet when you ride a bike., It's not important to help out at home., Sports one hour every day in school., No tests in school., Schools in Sweden are good..


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