1) Freekickerz is a youtube __________ that has more ____________ than lots of TV stations. a) channel; views b) channel; viewers c) station; channels 2) Konzi built his __________ by doing what he likes. a) success b) hit c) audience 3) Konzi thinks like an _________ a) youtuber b) subscriber c) athlete 4) His social media success story is _________.  a) ordinary b) impressive c) professional 5) Konzi tries to __________ his critics wrong. a) prove b) motivate c) make 6) He has sponsorship from ________ sports brands. a) German b) small c) major 7) He's turned his love of football into his social media ________ story. a) successful b) success c) bright 8) He has another youtube channel __________ music. a) dedicated to b) dedicated in c) dedicated at 9) He is a strong ________- in never giving up. a) youtuber b) freekicker c) believer 10) There are clips of free kicks and epic ______. a) brands b) critics c) fails 11) What's most ___________, Konzi has built his success by doing something he+s always loved - his hobby. a) ordinary b) impressive c) successful 12) In 2006, he uploaded a video clip of an ___________ player scoring a goal. a) known b) know c) unknown 13) Bad videos didn't _________________, but motivated him to get better. a) discourage b) courage c) dissapoint

8th grade - Fun to Fame (revision)


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