1) Gaston Browne is the Prime Minister of which Caribbean island? a) Dominica b) St. Vincent and Grenadines c) Antigua and Barbuda d) Montserrat 2) Mia Mottley is the Prime Minister of which Caribbean island? a) Barbados b) St. Kitts and Nevis c) St. Vincent and the Grenadines d) Dominica 3) Miguel Diaz-Canel is the President of which Caribbean island? a) Jamaica b) Grenada c) Dominica d) Cuba 4) Keith Mitchell is the Prime Minister of which Caribbean island? a) Haiti b) St. Kitts and Nevis c) Grenada d) Cuba 5) Roosevelt Skerrit is the Prime Minister of which Caribbean island? a) St. Vincent and the Grenadines b) Dominica c) Antigua and Barbuda d) Jamaica 6) Keith Rowley is the Prime Minister of which Caribbean island? a) Belize b) Grenada c) Trinidad and Tobago d) Montserrat 7) Andrew Holness is the Prime Minister of which Caribbean island ? a) Cuba b) Jamaica c) Anguilla d) St. Lucia 8) Philip J. Pierre is the Prime Minister of which Caribbean island? a) Dominica b) Grenada c) Barbados d) St. Lucia 9) Joseph E. Farrell is the Premier of which Caribbean island? a) Jamaica b) St. Kitts and Nevis c) Dominica d) Montserrat 10) Victor F. Banks is the Chief Minister of which Caribbean island? a) Anguilla b) Trinidad and Tobago c) Antigua and Barbuda d) Dominica


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