1) Tomorrow an four o`clock we wil be playing a new game. a) When will you play a new game? b) When you will play a new game? c) Why will you be playing this game tomorrow at 4? d) Who will play this game tomorrow at 4 o`clock? e) How will you be playing this game tomorow at four oclock? f) Who will you play a new game with tomorrow at four? 2) He is sleeping at the next room. a) How long he is sleeping at the next room? b) How long is he sleeping at the next room? c) Where is he sleeping? d) What is he doing at the next room? e) Why he sleeps at the next room? f) Why is he sleeping at the next room? 3) There was much snow last week. a) When was there much snow? b) Why there was much snow last week? c) How much snow last week was there ? d) Were was much snow last week? e) How much snow was there last week? f) Why was there much snow last week? 4) My sister speaks French excellent. a) What language your sister speak excellent? b) What language your sister speaks excellent? c) Whу does your sister speak French excellent? d) Which language your sister speak excellent? e) What language does your sister speak excellent? f) How does your sister speak French? 5) My Dad has finished this work. a) Where your Dad has finished this work? b) How your Dad has finished this work? c) What work did your Dad finished? d) Where have your Dad finished his work? e) Why has your Dad finished his work? f) Where has your Dad finished his work? 6) It was too difficult for me. a) Was it too difficult for you? b) Why was it difficult for you? c) Why was it difficult for you too? d) How was it difficult for you yoo? e) When was it too difficult for you? f) Why was it too difficult for you? 7) We play footbal twice a week. a) How many times a week  you play football? b) Where do you play football twice a week? c) Where are you play football twice a week? d) Why have you play football twice a week? e) Who do you play football twice a week with? f) How many times a week do you play football? 8) I went to my Granny in summer. a) How did you go to my Granny in summer? b) How were you go to my Granny in summer? c) How did you go to your Granny in summer? d) Have you went to my Granny in summer? e) When have you gone to your Granny? f) Why did you go to your Granny in summer?

Special questions


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