1) Jugar a) Play b) Pay c) Point d) Practice e) Put f) Quit 2) Haber jugado a) Have pointed b) Have played c) Have pushed d) Have read e) Have ridden f) Have paid 3) Señaló, señalé, señalaste a) Practiced b) Pushed c) Quit d) Read e) Pointed f) Rode 4) Señalar a) Pay b) Put c) Read d) Quit e) Push f) Point 5) Practicar a) Ride b) Read c) Quit d) Practice e) Play f) Push 6) Have practiced= a) Practicar b) Haber Practicado c) Practicaré d) Practiqué e) Practicaste f) Practicaron 7) Empujar a) Pay b) Put c) Ride d) Quit e) Read f) Push 8) Empujé, empujaste, empujaron a) Paid b) Played c) Pushed d) Quoted e) Put f) Rode 9) Quote a) Pagar b) Leer c) Poner d) Renunciar e) Repetir f) Practicar 10) Quote is a _________ verb a) Regular b) Irregular 11) Pagué, pagaste, pagamos, pagaron a) Paid b) Played c) Read d) Rode e) Quit f) Quoted 12) Pagar a) Read b) Play c) Quit d) Ride e) Pay f) Put 13) "Poner" is the same in the three forms: put a) Correct b) Incorrect 14) This verb is the same in the three forms a) Cabalgar b) Pagar c) Practicar d) Renunciar e) Empujar f) Jugar 15) Leí, leíste, leímos, leyeron a) Read b) Quit c) Quoted d) Pushed e) Played f) Rode 16) Haber leído a) Have quit b) Have ridden c) Have quoted d) Have paid e) Have read f) Have practiced 17) Cabalgar, montar a) Ride b) Play c) Pay d) Quote e) Read f) Point 18) Monté, montaste, montó... a) Quoted b) Rode c) Read d) Quit e) Paid f) Pointed 19) Haber montado a) Have ridden b) Have read c) Have quoted d) Have paid e) Have played f) Have pointed


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