to own - ______a house, a factory, a pet. Who _____s this land?, crown - to wear the _____, a ______ of gold, crowned - Where was Queen Elisabeth II ________? to be ______, to reign - ________ in the country, _________ over the country, reign - the longest________ in history. InBritain the monarch ______s but has no real power, to defeat - ______ the enemy, ________ the army, to be _____ed, undefeated - King Arthur was __________, defeat - Six wins and three _________s for the team. I never think about the possibility of defeat, remind - This song ________s us of France. He ______s me of his brother. _______ me to answer that letter., touch - Don't ______ the kettle, it's very hot. ______ wood., touching - A _______ story, a _____ film. How _______!, reason - the only ______, an important ________, a bad _______ . The reason why I am late is that I missed the bus.,


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