turn a blind eye - pretend not to see or notice sth [usually sth bad], get into trouble - get into a situation in which you may be punished, burst into tears - suddenly start crying, grow into sb - gradually develop into a particular kind of person, nothing like sb/sth - completely different from sb/sth, get your own back - do sth unpleasant to sb in return for sth unpleasant they did to you, let yourself in for sth - involve yourself in sth that will probably be unpleasant or difficult, show sb the ropes - show sb carefully what to do and how to do it, know sth inside out - have a lot of knowledge of sth, in your blood - it's a strong part of your character, follow in sb's footsteps - do the same job or activity as sb else who did it before you, look up to sb - respect and admire sb, run in the family - be found very often in a family, take after sb - look or behave like an older member of your family,

Family-phrasal verbs


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