1) This man is from Australia. We call him a/an? a) Australian b) Aussie c) the man from down under 2) These people are from New Zealand. In Australia, we call them...? a) New Zealanders b) Ziwis c) Kiwis 3) In Australia, what do we call this place? a) McDonalds b) Fast food restaurant c) Maccas 4) What do we call this... ? a) A sandwich b) A sanga c) A sambo 5) When you are sick, you are...? a) Crook b) Sickly c) Poorly 6) In Australia, what are these called? a) Havaianas b) Thongs c) Flip flops 7) What is the name of this? a) A dunny b) A loo c) A bathroom 8) In Australia, a famous saying is 'put another shrimp on the....? a) Fire b) Barbie c) BBQ 9) The real name for this is a...? a) cook-off b) flame grill c) sausage sizzle 10) What is this tiny annoying insect called? a) A fly b) A bluebottle c) A mozzie 11) What's another word, used in Australia, to finish your job early? a) Knock- off b) Knock-on c) Knock-down 12) What is another name for your friends in Australia? a) Pals b) Buddies c) Mates 13) If a person is going to the 'bottle-o', where are they going? a) To buy some food b) To buy some clothes c) To buy some alcohol 14) What is a 'Sheila' in Australian slang? a) A woman b) A man c) An animal 15) What does the expression "to dob someone in" mean?  a) to trick someone b) to inform on someone c) to lie to someone 16) What does the expression 'to spit the dummy' mean? a) to spill your drink b) to lose your temper c) to spit out your food 17) What does it mean to be stoked!! a) so sad b) so tired c) so excited 18) When your Aboriginal Australian friend is going home to their family, they will say they are going home to their: a) Joey b) mob c) Fambo 19) When your Aboriginal Australian friend really likes something, they will tell you it is: a) Awesome b) Cool c) Deadly 20) What is NOT in this container? a) Yeast b) Nutella c) Salt

activity- Australian slang


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