1) check sth ...... a computer a) up on b) back to c) on d) down with 2) take ....... an offer a) through to b) up on c) against d) down with 3) I could do ...... a drink a) back to b) with c) up to d) out on 4) I can't get ...... Monica a) out on b) on to c) in on d) through to 5) sound you ...... the idea a) up on b) out on c) in d) against 6) leave it ......me a) out with b) through to c) with 7) go ........ well ...... them a) down /with b) out /with c) out /on d) in/to 8) get ..... me asap a) in b) out with c) out on d) back to 9) copy me ...... the email a) with b) on to c) down with d) in on 10) keep me ...... the loop a) out on b) back to c) in on d) in 11) get ....... your colleagues a) out on b) in c) on with d) with 12) sort sth ..... them a) out with b) in on c) up to d) back to

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