Space - Empty regions between celestial bodies, The Universe - Everything that exists- matter and space, Celestial body - natural object which is located outside of Earth's atmosphere, such as the Moon, the Sun, an asteroid, planet, or star., Galaxies - Collections of stars and associated celestial bodies, dust and gas, Our Galaxy? - Milky Way, A star - A ball of very hot gas that emits light and heat, What is a planet? - An object that orbits a star, large enough to form a sphere and has cleared its orbit, Moon - Natural Satellite that orbits a planet, Asteroids - Giant rocks > 1 m that orbit the sun, What is a comet? - A ball of frozen gases, ice and rock with a tail, Satellite - an object that orbits a larger object, Artificial satellite - a human made object orbiting another larger object, Dwarf Planet - A celestial body that has not cleared its orbit, Solar System - A star and all the objects that orbit it, What is a meteor - A solid object from outer space that enters Earth's atmosphere, Orbit - the path of a celestial body around another larger celestial body, Rotation - the movement of a celestial body on its axis,

Celestial Bodies JC Science


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