1) This is the kind of writing they did in Ancient Egypt. a) Rock b) Mummy c) Hieroglyphics d) Pharaoh e) Sphinx f) Chariot 2) Mountains are made of these. a) Pyramids b) Rocks c) Slaves d) Chariots e) Mummy f) Tombs 3) The rich people in Ancient Egypt travelled in _______________. a) Tombs b) Mummy c) Pyramids d) Sphinx e) Hieroglyphics f) Chariots 4) _________ were the rulers of Ancient Egypt. a) Sphinx b) Pyramid c) Tomb d) Pharaohs e) Slaves f) Mummy 5) This is a body covered in bandages. a) Mummy b) Pyramid c) Hieroglyphics d) Tomb e) Rock f) Chariot 6) This is the place where the pharaoh's dead body is buried. a) Chariot b) Pyramid c) Sphinx d) Slaves e) Tomb f) Hieroglyphics

Ancient Egypt vocabulary


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