We ________ (meet) them at a restaurant last week., He ________ (do) his homework., It was hot yesterday. The children _______ (go) swimming., Last night I __________ (not sleep) very well., Joan ________ (break) four windows last night., Jim ________ (not drink) in the party., She _________ (lose) her keys., Frank ________ (eat) all the pizza., Mrs. Johnson ________ (take) a shower yesterday morning., I ________ (not buy) anything in the supermarket., Larry ________ (forget) his wallet at home., Steve ________ (not play) videogames because he ________ (not wash) the dishes., He ________ (get) a new car 2 years ago., Caleb ________ (not fall) in love., I ________ (not wake) up early..

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