Mount Vesuvius - This erupted in AD79, Pompeii - The name of the town we have been studying this term, eruption - Mount Vesuvius did this, Gods - The Romans worshipped these, mosaics - Tiny tiles put together to make pictures/patterns, domus - Latin name for large house, archaeology - The study of human history by digging up items, temples - Romans worshipped in these, theatre - You can go to see a play here, rich - Another word for wealthy, poor - Another word for a person who has no money, cubiculum - Latin word for bedroom, insulae - Latin term for flats, impluvium - an area in the house where rain water was collected, tablinum - Latin term for study, culina - Latin word for kitchen, triclinium - the Latin word for dining room, villa - a very rich type of house found in the country, wooden hut - very poor romans lived in one of these, atrium - Latin word for main room,


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