Fats and oils provide energy and keep us ____. Edible fats and oils are ____ fat and provide a very concentrated source of energy along with essential fatty acids like ____ and omega-6.Fat also provides a protective layer around our internal organs such as our ____. Fat is a carrier of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and is necessary for their ____ into the body. While some edible fats from plant sources such as olive oil and flux seed oil are considered very ____, they are all high in calories. All plant seed oils have about 120 calories per ____ so they should be consumed as part of a ____ diet. In moderation.1 gram of fat provides 37KJ (9 kcal) Fats and oils are composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen and ____. Fatty acids are usually classified as ____ or ____ (monounsaturated polyunsaturated) depending on their chemical structure.

Nutritional value of fats and oils


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