1) What are they doing? a) They're playing hide and seek. b) They're playing badminton. c) They're playing table tennis. 2) What's she doing? - ................... a) She's skating. b) She's taking photos. c) She's skipping. 3) What did you do yesterday? - I watched TV. a) b) c) 4) Where were you yesterday? a) I was at home. b) I was on the beach. c) I was at the zoo. d) I was in the school library. 5) What's she doing? a) She's watching a video. b) She's writing a dictation. c) She's listening to music. 6) What subjects do you have today? a) I have IT and Maths. b) I have Vietnamese and Maths. c) I have English and Maths. 7) Reorder: were/ yesterday/ Where/ you/ morning/? a) Where were you morning yesterday b) Where were you yesterday morning. c) Where you were yesterday morning. 8) Reorder: painted/ this/ a/ we/ picture/ afternoon/. a) We painted a picture this afternoon. b) We painted this picture a afternoon. c) We picture painted a this afternoon. 9) is/ a/ writing/ Peter/ dictation/. a) Peter is a writing dictation. b) Peter is writing a dictation. c) Peter is dictation a writing. 10) Where were you yesterday? a) I played badminton. b) I was at home. c) I like skipping. 11) Where's your school? a) It's in Van Phu commune. b) It's black. c) It's the first of July. 12) What subjects do you have today? a) I am playing badminton. b) I have English, Maths and Music. c) I watered the flowers. d) I was on the beach. 13) What did you do yesterday? a) I am playing badminton. b) I have English, Maths and Music. c) I watered the flowers. d) I was on the beach. 14) Where were you yesterday? a) I am playing badminton. b) I have English, Maths and Music. c) I watered the flowers. d) I was on the beach. 15) Odd one out (Chọn từ khác loại) a) watching b) listening c) reading d) text 16) Odd one out (Chọn từ khác loại) a) text b) teacher c) dictation d) book 17) Odd one out (Chọn từ khác loại) a) painting b) mask c) puppet d) kite 18) Odd one out (Chọn từ khác loại) a) badminton b) house c) football d) basketball 19) He ............. the piano yesterday morning. a) play b) playing c) played 20) She .................. a picture yesterday afternoon. a) painted b) painting c) paint

Review E4


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