1) Ate a banana. a) Complete sentence b) fragment 2) I finished my homework. a) Complete sentence b) fragment 3) Followed my sister to school. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 4) Because I wanted to watch the movie. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 5) The cat meowed loudly. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 6) So I had to visit the dentist. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 7) As soon as the movie is over. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 8) Shouldn't have eaten all that cake. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 9) Hope he doesn't find out! a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 10) They ate the entire pizza. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 11) Tried to jump off my bed but I tripped and fell. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 12) We bought a turtle from the pet store today. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 13) My favorite color is blue. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 14) Can't believe my luck! a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 15) Jumped so high! a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 16) I love doing long division. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 17) The best job I've ever had. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 18) Ran out of ink and I had to find a new pen to replace it. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 19) My best friend is a fantastic writer. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment 20) Woke up to the worst sound on the planet. a) Complete sentence b) Fragment

Complete Sentences or Fragments?


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