Martin Luther - He challenged the Church by nailing his 95 theses, charges, against a church door in Wittenberg., Huguenots  - The followers of Calvinism, King Henry VIII - Named himself head of the new Church of England, needed a divorce., Counter Reformation - The Roman Catholic Church response to the Protestant Reformation, Council of Trent - This corrected some of the worst Church abuses, focused on church rituals like marriage.., Thirty Years' War - From 1618-1648; Final great conflict between the Catholics and the Protestants., Francis Bacon - He developed empiricism; an early scientific method., Sir Isaac Newton - He published work on gravitational forces, influenced science and math, Peter the Great - He asserted his authority as he moved against the Orthodox Church in Russia., The Jesuits - Founded by Ignatius of Loyola, they opposed the spread of Protestantism.,

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