1) Is there a sport you’d really like to try? 2) How much exercise do you take each week? 3) Have you ever tried any extreme sports? 4) Tell us about a sport you’ve practised recently. 5) Is it unusual to see women taking part in certain sports? 6) Do women get the same sporting opportunities as men in your country? 7) Which sports are the most popular in your country? Give details. 8) Do you follow any sports as a spectator? 9) Should children have to take part in sports at school? Why or why not? 10) What are the advantages of hosting different international sporting events in a country? 11) Is it a good idea to encourage people to play sports? 12) Are adventure sports too dangerous for children? (bungee jumping, rock-climbing, kayaking, paragliding, etc). 13) Do you like to be physically active or do you prefer relaxing? 14) Are you interested in sport? 15) How do you think this pandemic situation will affect sports people? 16) What kind of games did you play as a child? 17) How do people in your country keep fit? 18) What are the benefits of playing a sport? 19) Are boys and girls good at the same sports? 20) Do you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for sports? 21) Do you prefer individual sports or team sports? 22) Describe a sportsperson you admire.

Open the Box - Speaking part 1 FCE - Sports


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