red blood cell - Biconcave shape, no nucleus and haemoglobin present to increase surface area for uptake of oxygen, ciliated epithelial cells - hair like structures that beat upwards sweeping away dirty mucus from the lungs, lymphocyte - produces antibodies which attach and inactivate pathogens , tissue - a group of cells specialised to perform a particular function(s), xylem cells - dead hollow tube containing rings of lignin. Transports water, sperm cells - tail to swim to the egg for reproduction, mesophyll cells - These make up two layers in a leaf. The palisade layer carries out the most photosynthesis and so contains a large number of chloroplasts, organ - made up of different tissues working together e.g. flower in plants or lungs in an animal, phloem cells - alive cells that have sieve plates and tube that contains cytoplasmic strand for transporting sugars. All controlled by the large nucleus of the companion cell., egg cells - Double membrane and large cytoplasm containing food for developing embryo, root hair cells - long extension of epidermal cells allowing a larger surface area for absorption of water from soil, phagocyte - Able to change shape to engulf and digest invading microbes,

N5 Bio 2.1 cells, tissues and organs


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