1) What does the Web Development class NOT teach? a) making a website easy to use b) improving a website's visibility c) using code to program a website d) how to market a new website 2) What can you infer about the Web Design class? a) Attending the class is mandatory b) The first class addresses functionality. c) It focuses on improving a site's visual element d) Its registration fee is less than the Web Development class 3) What is the function of CSS? a) It helps improve navigation b) It decreases a website's visibility c) It changes the style of a web page d) It expands the functionality of a website. 4) web design a) choosing a website's visuals b) how easily you can find a website on a search  engine c) a website's programming d) how easily a user can use a website e) moving around a website f) everything contained in a website 5) coding a) choosing a website's visuals b) how easily you can find a website on a search engine c) a website's programming d) how easily a user can use a website e) moving around a website f) everything contained in a website 6) navigation a) choosing a website's visuals b) how easily you can find a website on a search engine c) a website's programming d) how easily a user can use a website e) moving around a website f) everything contained in a website 7) visibility a) choosing a website's visuals b) how easily you can find a website on a search engine c) a website's programming d) how easily a user can use a website e) moving around a website f) everything contained in a website 8) usability a) choosing a website's visuals b) how easily you can find a website on a search engine c) a website's programming d) how easily a user can use a website e) moving around a website f) everything contained in a website 9) content a) choosing a website's visuals b) how easily you can find a website on a search engine c) a website's programming d) how easily a user can use a website e) moving around a website f) everything contained in a website

12. Web design vs. Web development / Exercises 2,3


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