1) I told him from the ... I wasn't interested. a) outlet b) outset c) outbreak d) outlook 2) There was an ... of cholera in Brazil in the 90's. a) outbreak b) outset c) crackdown d) outlander 3) The police are having a ... on cyclists without lights. a) setback b) worldwide c) worthwhile d) crackdown 4) We'll see a tremendous lots of technological changes in our ... . a) worldwide b) high-risk c) lifetime d) feedback 5) ... in public spending are expected in the next budget. a) Outbreaks b) Cutbacks c) Breakthroughs d) Genetically modified 6) André considers teaching a ... carreer. a) high-risk b) crackdown c) worthwhile d) drawback 7) One of the ... of living with someone is having to share a bathroom. a) drawbacks b) crackdowns c) feedbacks d) cutbacks 8) Champion horses have numerous ... . a) outlook b) offspring c) genetically modified d) outset 9) Have you had any ... from customers about the new soap? a) cutback b) worthwhile c) outbreak d) feedback 10) Only people who can afford to lose their money should make ... investments. a) high-risk b) feedback c) crackdown d) outbreak



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