1) Maria's hair is ____________ than Elena's hair. (LONG) a) longest b) more long c) longer 2) A lion is ________ than a cat. (FAST) a) faster b) more fast c) fastest 3) In Winter, days are ___________ than in Summer. (SHORT) a) shorter b) more short c) shortest 4) Riding a bike is ___________ than riding a horse. (EASY) a) easyer b) easier c) more easy 5) The bus is __________ than the train. (SLOW) a) slowest b) more slow c) slower 6) My car is ________ than yours. (BIG) a) biggest b) bigger c) more bigger 7) My brother is ___________ than me. (SHORT) a) more short b) shortest c) shorter 8) My mother´s hair is ______ than mine. (CURLY) a) curly b) curliest c) curlier 9) George is ______ than Mark (THIN) a) thin b) thinner c) thinnest 10) My cousin´s hair is ______ than mine. (STRAIGHT) a) straighter b) straight c) straightest

2nd grade Copy Comparative


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