1) What is the relationship between India Opal and the Preacher? a) daughter and father b) friends c) student and teacher 2) Where did India Opal and the Preacher move to recently? a) India b) Plano, Texas c) Naomi, Florida 3) Why does India Opal call her dad the Preacher? a) Because India likes to preach. b) Because he is always thinking about preaching. c) Because she likes that nickname. 4) What was the job of India's father when he was in India Opal? a) He was a singer. b) He was a commissioner. c) He was a missionary. 5) How does the Preacher call India Opal? a) India b) Opal  c) India Opal 6) In what type of house does Opal live? a) In a trailer. b) In an apartment. c) In a single-story house. 7) What type of people lives in the trailer park? a) teenagers b) elderly c) babies 8) According to Opal, who should people help? a) the wealthy b) the fortunate people c) the less fortunate 9) When Opal asked her father if one of the less fortunate could stay with them, who was she talking about? a) Winn-Dixie b) the elderly woman c) the manager of the store 10) What did the Preacher say about the dog at first? a) He said yes b) He said no c) He said maybe 11) Did the Preacher accept Winn-Dixie at the end? a) Yes b) No 12) Why did the Preacher accept Winn-Dixie at the end? a) Because he always wanted a dog. b) Because Winn-Dixie smiled at him. c) Because Opal needed a dog.

Because of Winn-Dixie - Chapter 2


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