1) What can you see in the picture? a) field b) picnic c) river 2) What can you see in the picture? a) grass b) countryside c) forest 3) What can you see in the picture? a) lake b) plant c) countryside 4) What can you see in the picture? a) river b) forest c) leaf 5) What can you see in the picture? a) river b) blanket c) grass 6) What can you see in the picture? a) blanket b) forest c) leaf 7) What can you see in the picture? a) hungry b) weak c) strong 8) What can you see in the picture? a) quiet b) hungry c) thirsty 9) What can you see in the picture? a) loud b) tired c) fat 10) What can you see in the picture? a) curly b) thin c) wavy

A day in the country reveal


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