A: I thought you were going to buy your own flat. How come are you still living in a shared apartment? B: I\m waiting until I can find somewhere ____ Everything is so expensive. A: What's your new flat like? B: It's great. It's really convenient for work - I can walk there in ten minutes, and it's nice and ____ with lots of big windows. A: Why on Earth did Max buy that old flat? B: I suppose it's a bit ____ but it's got 5 rooms and all of them are spacious. A: I've gone for one of those newly-built apartments near hospital. It's good to have a place that doesn't need any work doing to it. B: I know where you mean. They look really nice - ____ but well-designed. A: Will we look at new houses near the library? B: I'm not sure. I drove by yesterday and they seemed a bit ____ Where are you going to put all the stuff? a large entrance hall with a beautiful ____ floor the main bedroom has a ____ that looks out over the surrounding countryside. beautiful gardens including a lovely ____ ideal for sitting and enjoying the view.

unit 9 houses Outcomes intermediate


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