1) Comparative of big a) More big b) Bigger c) most big d) Biggest 2) Comparative of far a) Farther b) Farthier c) more far d) most far 3) Comparative of close a) Closest b) most close c) more close d) Closer 4) Comparative of small a) Smaller b) Smallest c) more small d) The most small 5) Comparative large a) more large b) Larger c) Largest d) the most large 6) Comparative shiny a) more shiny b) Shiniest c) Shinier d) the most shiny 7) Comparative of hot a) more hot b) Hotter c) most hot d) Hottest 8) Comparative of cold a) More cold b) Coldest c) Colder d) Most cold 9) Comparative of modern a) More modern b) Most modern c) Moderner d) Modernest 10) Comparative of expensive a) More expensive b) Most expensive c) Expensiver d) Expensivest

Comparatives 4th primary Unit 4


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