cards  - you make these for valentines day , score - you do this when you make a goal in soccer , party - you have this when you celebrate something special, corn - this is a type of vegetable farmers grow , store - you go to this place to buy things , garlic - Ms. Vendrella loves cooking with this vegetable  , acorns - You can find many of these on the ground or in the trees at GFA , explore - When you go on an adventure you do this, smart - All of your teachers believe you are this , garden - Ms. Kurtz is in charge of this outside attraction at GFA , core - Coach Groves says you can do sit-ups to strengthen this on your body, sports - baseball, soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, football, hockey are all types of these, orbit - the planets do this around the sun, horns - bulls have these on top of their head ,

Unit 8- ar & or words crossword puzzle


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