1) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Heah b) Head c) read 2) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Finger b) Hañd c) Hand 3) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Fiñger b) Finger c) Finjer 4) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Neck b) Nack c) Mast 5) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Elbov b) Elvow c) Elbow 6) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Teth b) Teeht c) Teeth 7) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Chek/s b) Cheek/s c) Ceek/s 8) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Eyes b) Eya c) Eve 9) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Footh b) Fot c) Foot 10) What part is this? LOOK THE PHOTO a) Stomach b) Tomach c) Chocolate bar

Body parts quiz, Extra funny!


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