1) When was the last time you stayed at a hotel? 2) What is your favorite hotel? Why? 3) Would you like to work at a hotel? Why? / Why not? 4) Would you like to own a hotel? Why? / Why not? 5) Do you like to stay at hotels? Why? / Why not? 6) What are three good things about hotels? 7) What are three bad things about hotels? 8) Compare 1-star hotels and 4-star hotels. 9) Tell me about a good hotel you stayed at. 10) Tell me about a bad hotel you stayed at. 11) What did people do before hotels were invented? 12) Do you plan to stay at a hotel again soon? If ‘yes’, why? 13) Do you know about any strange or unusual hotels? 14) What is an ‘airport hotel’? Have you ever stayed at one? 15) Can you think of any good hotels in your town or city?

Speaking questions - Hotels


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