1) If you have a "0" as the top number it will be a a) horizontal movement b) vertical movement c) diagonal movement 2) A "-" minus on the bottom will move the shape a) up b) down 3) Which translation moves the black to the GREEN? a) a b) b c) c d) d e) none of the above 4) Which translation moves the black to the BLUE? a) a b) b c) c d) d e) none of the above 5) Which translation moves the black to the RED? a) a b) b c) c d) d e) none of the above 6) Which translation moves the black to the PURPLE? a) a b) b c) c d) d e) none of the above 7) How confident are you at translation? a) Very confident b) Confident c) Sometimes confident d) Not confident e) Really unconfident

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