1) What is this position called in Salah? a) Sujood b) Takbir c) Rukoo' d) Tashahhud 2) What is this position called? a) Sujood b) Takbir c) Rukoo' d) Tashahhud 3) What is this position called? a) Sujood b) Takbir c) Rukoo' d) Tashahhud 4) What is this position called? a) Tashahud b) Rukoo' c) Sujood d) Qiyam 5) Choose the best word to describe this position. a) Takbir b) Rukoo c) Sujood d) Tashahud 6) What breaks wudoo'? a) Laughing during salah b) Eating c) Talking d) Crying


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